The bike ride is was not a good idea. First of all it is too hot out here. I am not a fan of hot weather riding. Sun beats down on me and no matter how much water I drink I’m still thirsty and hot.
Bicyclist are passing me up and some ask, “Are you okay?” I answer, “I’m fine.” Give them the short answer instead of explaining how much I hate riding in the heat, but I just want to go for a ride. Besides they are in their element. I hear bicyclist complain about cold and cloudy days, my riding style.
Then it happens. I’m pedaling uphill. Then the tension from the chain is gone. My feet are off the pedals and they are spinning like crazy. The chain decides to commit suicide.
I find a nice shady spot off the road because if I got to deal with my chain it might as well be a cool spot away from everyone. That’s right, I’m hiding behind a tree while I deal with my chain so I don’t have to answer questions and deal with the comments.
Now I’m going to need a new chain. So I will ride to the bike shop at a nice slow pace and won’t do a lot of gear changing. If the bike shop has time I will just let them put the chain on. Personally I hate working on bikes. I can do some basic stuff, but I rather not do it if I don’t have to. Some people live for the maintenance on a bike. More power to them.
Bike is done so now it is time to get something to eat and then do a nice slow ride home. I could have stayed home but the chain would have probably broke on the next ride. But I survived and the ride goes on.