Bicycle Handlebar Tape

I don’t like that bicycle handlebar tape looks the same. Everyone riding with basically the same handlebar tape. There are different colors but basically no individuality.

I look around and try to find something different. Not an easy thing to do, but sometimes I run across something that looks different.

I like this handlebar tape. Looks different and comfortable on the hands.



I like libraries. They are always a good place to take a break. But lately some are too noisy and librarians don’t put a stop to the noise.

There is too much noise in the modern world. The library should be a place to escape the noise.

The person who can’t read in thir heads but outloud or the person who has to talk on their phone. I hate cell phones. Give insecure people who hate being alone with their thoughts an excuse to blab away.

People should be asked to leave. Keep running your loud mouth and you should be banned.

Touring Bikes

Not everyone needs an expensive touring bike. You can use any bike for touring.

When I was staioned in Japan I took leave and rode a Nishinki road bike. This was back in the eighties when people weren’t taking off on bikes to see the country or the world.

I remember going from Knob Noster to Warrensburg on a bike in the eighties and people thought I was crazy. Also dodging flying objects. Back then a person stopped riding bikes in high school. Go get a car.

Today plannning a bike tour is easy. Some people hop on the bike they got and go for. Some people stress over what bike. Some people pay big dollars for their bike.

Why spend big money if it is your first tour. You may go and survive and decide no more long tours. Maybe just overnight tours or commuting or just riding around town is enough.

If you love touring and can’t wait for the next adventure maybe a more touring exclusive bike and paying more may be worth it.

Just ride and enjoy the adventure.


Favorite Shoes I Wear When Bicycling

I have stopped wearing cycling shoes. I just don’t want my feet clipped in and I like to walk around when I’m off the bike. I have even gone hiking.

I have been wearing my Merrell Moab hiking boots. They are real comfortable when I’m riding and if I want to stop somewhere they are comfortable to walk around in.


New San Pablo Library

checked out the new San Pablo Library and found the inside boring and bland.

Don’t get why cities the put up new libraries do not have a bookworm and someone who loves libraries.  Instead you get people who design a building and put books in them with no passion.

I may stop in when I’m out wandering and I want a break. I will still think want a bland library.



I like chromebooks. They don’t cost too much and light enough to carry with me. Some chromebooks have become good looking.

I don’t need an expensive Windows or MacBook laptop to basically look at websites or watch Youtube videos.

Best of all I don’t have to worry about viruses.



Been wandering on the bike. I have been using my Pentax SF1N film camera lately. Really enjoying shooting film.

I always habe something to read. Find a quiet spot and do some reading.

Seaview school was torn down and the gate that was blocking entrance to the bridge crossing over the water way is now open. I like it because now I can use a quiet trail to San Pablo Ave instead of the busy streets.

Was fun to watch the surfers. Not big waves but big enough so they could get some practice in.

I have to enjoy the nice weather before it gets cold.