The brain has an idea for a bicycle ride. Going to ride over the Golden Gate Bridge and go to San Francisco. Let the pedaling begin.
I hit the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and my legs feel tired. All the rain and not doing long rides are showing. So my legs say no.
This happens. During the drought I got a lot of long rides with hills. The rain has slowed the riding down. Not as far. I don’t like riding in the rain. So the rides aren’t as long and mostly flat. Then there are the days I don’t ride.
Even when there is a lot of bicycle riding my legs could not feel up to strength. The ups and downs of bicycle riding. It doesn’t matter if the ride is long or short as long as I get on the bicycle.
Think I will stop by the San Pablo Library before my final pedal home. I like the San Pablo Library for my final break. It is a nice looking library and it is a quiet place.