The bike gods are really after me. At least they left me alone for a while, but they are back. I hear the laughing.
I’m riding by the Craneway building and my rear tire is going flat. Was not expecting this. Thought I was done with rear tire flats.
This time I take the tire off the rim. I wipe down the rim and carefully go through the inside of the tire. Nothing.
This time I go very slowly over the outside of the tire. I find the problem. There is a think piece of metal in the tire. It didn’t go all the way through the tire, but with 10 miles of riding it was enough to put a small hole in the tube.
I think the piece of metal found when I went to the bicycle shop to have the bicycle looked at broke from this piece, but the piece in the tire was not found. Could not feel in when going through the tire.
Since the Schwalbe Delta Cruiser tire isn’t as puncture resistant as I was hoping they would be has to go. So I’m riding home and putting the Schwalbe Marathon tires on the bicycle that I was keeping while I used the Delta’s.
I’m riding in Point Richmond and I hear a hiss of air coming out of my front tire. Since I used my tube and I don’t have my patch kit with me, with my Brompton. So I’ll have my Dad come and get me. Yeah riding a bicycle can humble a person.
Got my Schwalbe Marathon tires on the bicycle and I will get a patch kit to carry just in case.