Still in Lockdown Mode

The politicians still have the people in lockdown. Really hasn’t slowed me down a bit. I’m an outdoor person so I can always go and play.

I call the people who invaded my space, refugees. It is like their country got bombed and they moved into neighboring countries. Their world has collapsed, so they came into mine.

It sucks, but I just adjust and go where they don’t go. I know where to hide and they don’t know where to go. They stay close to the entrance of parks.

I took this with my Pentax Q-S1 with a vintage Pentax 50mm lens. It came out pretty good. The pictures with a vintage lens is softer than with a digital lens.
Another picture taken with the Pentax Q-S1 with a vintage Pentax 50mm lens.

I have been putting vintage lenses on my digital cameras just to have a different look. I have to manually focus the lens so quick shots could be missed. But I am enjoying using the vintage lenses. A film look with out shooting film.