When I want to know what the future looks like I just read Sci-Fi. The nerds and geeks who are driving the future with technology are big Sci-Fi fans. They want robots doing the work and leaves more time to play on their computers. Hell who wants a real woman when a robot woman will work. Have the gorgeous woman they always wanted and she never ages. No complaining either.
Japan leads in robotics because of their large older population. Let the robots take care of the old people. To hell with massive procreation, we have the robots to do the work. China isn’t that far behind with robot technology.
America lags with implementing the technology because Americans are usually slow to change. When some companies want to use more technology unions fight it. Unions don’t want to lose membership money. Unions don’t like efficient work places because that means less workers.
America is good at creating the technology but slow to implement. While Europe and Asia is moving forward, America remains in the twentieth century. Americans will have to be dragged into it kicking and screaming.
The nerds and geeks will do it because they know what kind of world they want. Nothing better than a driverless car. Gearheads who love driving are going to be screwed. At some point you won’t be able to drive their car. The automobile are already taking the stick shift from them.
Amazon already has a grocery store in Seattle where people get their stuff and walk out. People grab their stuff and walk out. Then they are billed through the Amazon app and a receipt is issued. Actually I like this. I don’t have to stand in line and have to deal with a cashier.
But it won’t be this great utopia either. Humans have a way to mess things up. If humans are not working then they are probably causing trouble. Even if the governments give people a monthly allowance people will cry it isn’t enough.
The question is with so many people not working and too much time on their hands causing trouble when does government open prison colonies? People locked up all day. When does the death camps open up?
With robots keeping tabs on everything crime could be kept down to a minimum. No one driving and no more speedy get a ways. Probably be able to shut down a car. No more running from the cops. Can’t out run a robot that doesn’t get tired. Hell drones will probably be able to follow you.
Then their is the fear that robots will figure out humans are useless and decide to exterminate humans.
On a philosophy note one has to question are humans old robot technology? Is death not really death but a robotic shut down? Have humans created an afterlife to seem like living beings? The future robot won’t have to procreate in such an old way because the new and improved robot will live forever unless destroyed.
Enjoy the future.